TopPromWebsites maintains a list of sites that sell knock-off and counterfeit prom dresses, or use original manufacturers pictures to trick customers. Below is an alphabetical list of confirmed offenders. We recommend that you do not risk buying anything from these sites.
If the price is too good to be true, it is. The bridal industry has minimum prices that all retailers must maintain. This is kind of like how if you go to buy an iPhone, the prices are the same (more or less) everywhere you go. If someone offered you a brand new iPhone for half the price that you can get one at Best Buy, you would be suspicious right? It is the same thing with prom dresses. If you see thirty stores that all sell a dress for $300, and then you find one store that sells it for $150, you should be suspicious.
Check them out! Before you give any online retailer your money, make sure you know who you are dealing with. Look at their "about us," "FAQ," or "customer service" sections and see where they are located. Chances are, you don't want to buy a prom dress from outside of the country. All of the designers are based out of the US so if you are buying an authentic gown from another country, it is impossible for the price to be cheaper than from a US retailer.